On Thu, 18 Jan 2018 06:14:17 +0100
Oleksiy Muzalyev <oleksiy.muzal...@bluewin.ch> wrote:

> Good morning,
> I started to experiment with the OSM data [1] on a local computer,
> and I begin to realize how big these data files are. It takes quite a
> while to load into the local database just the data for one country.
> What can I as a map editor do to keep these data files to a
> reasonable size without compromising  data quality? I mean in the
> sense, - take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of
> themselves?
> I could think of the following three approaches so far:
> - using as short an URL as possible, website=http://somewebsite.com 
> instead of website=http://www.somewebsite.com , three characters
> less; [2]
> - correct phone number ISO format, phone=+12 345 678 90 12 instead of 
> phone=+12 (345) 678 90 12 , two characters less;  [3]
> - deleting unnecessary nodes from a way (Shift-Y in JOSM) with 
> consequent verification of its geometry;
> What else, if anything, could be done?

Honestly, the best thing you can do is not worry about it.  The world
is a big, complicated place.  The three bytes you save from shortening
a URL?  You'd need to repeat it 400 times to fit one extra gas station
on the map.

As an experiment, I tried applying various data-saving
options to a park I've mapped.  I managed to reduce the size from
1240354 bytes to 1218966 bytes for a savings of 1.7% -- savings that
will vanish almost instantly this spring once I resume mapping
seasonal wetlands.


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