>From what I understand TIGER data is very poor quality to begin with and is
at a federal level, this study doesnt take into account local GIS data(say
a city or a province/state data) which often is more accurate. It seems
fixated on one data import instance vs many in statististics their sample
size would be too small to draw a conclusion

On Mon, Jul 9, 2018, 5:05 AM Warin, <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 09/07/18 18:35, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> >
> > And if you want to know about how to successfully map and build a local
> > mapping community in a large and sparsely populated country and are fed
> > up with the namby-pamby western Europeans who don't know a thing about
> > this maybe talk to the Russians...
> Yep.
> ----------------
> All to easy to be critical .. but so what?
> Getting people to contribute to the map is what it is about.
> There is one guy on Quilpie Queensland Australia who has made good
> contributions to the map - he is local .. so knows what is there.
> The edits may not be the 'best' but they do indicate what is there.. I've
> edited some of them to make them OSM 'better' but tried to keep the
> original information.
> Yet to contact him to let him know .. but good on him for putting his foot
> in the water.
> Don't think there is much chance of getting a local group out there ..
> unless you count 1 as a group.
> And maybe one is all it takes in smaller places.
> Officially Quilpie's population is less than 600.
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