On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 4:06 PM, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:
> While the goals sound worthy, it is unclear if any of the grid systems
> (w3w, plus codes and so on) deliver on their promises and have any
> traction outside of people in countries with established addressing
> systems trying to push them as solutions for countries without.
> As I've pointed out before, if OSM supports a specific system, it
> amounts to us picking a winner , and I really don't think that is a good
> idea. w3w wants to make money from royalties, google wants to avoid
> paying them. Both have a financial interest in us adopting their
> systems. IMHO when one eventually "wins" we can start supporting it
> then, before one of them pasts the post, it is premature.
> Simon

Hi Simon, what should "win" is the system that works the best. w3w has
been tried, is being tried, we can try that too, but what should win
is what is open, is fit for the purpose, can and will be used and is
non propitiatory.

Our community should have a say in what wins, we can try them both,
but here is a local group asking us to try plus codes and there is a
lot of momentum behind it.


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

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