
On 10/07/2018 11:07 PM, john whelan wrote:
> So thoughts ladies and gentlemen?

Someone attempted to re-develop JOSM (as "JOSM-ng") in 2008 and even
then (with JOSM having a fraction of the features it has today) it
didn't get anywhere ;)

I recently (on josm-dev) said that the actual code is not the essence of
JOSM, but the UI and workflow. I said that the actual language in which
it was written is irrelevant and that it could probably rewritten if
need be. But this was an opinion not widely shared among other
participants of the mailing list, and I guess they know what they're
talking about.

Writing a new piece of software that fully mimicks an existing program
is likely to be easier than developing a new editor from scratch, but
it's still a lot of work, and I don't currently see the need. I guess
there will be workarounds for many of the issues you mention, and some
issues are not work-around-able - for example, if your IT admin decides
that you should not be able to install software locally for security
reasons, then it is hard to envisage any kind of "offline editor"
working well. C# won't save you here.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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