It's not a major problem but it does come up from time to time.  Usually iD is acceptable and if they are a heavy mapper then they'll find a suitable machine.

A version of JOSM wrapped in an .exe than ran under windows would be useful as long as JAVA did not have to be installed.

My feeling runs along the lines of Fredrick's comments.  The language isn't particularly important, we do have a very good idea of what works well so its not from scratch if need be.

I think what is important are the issues are raised and discussed and I think that has been done.

There is probably an element of religion here, the existing developers know JAVA and their existing development environment and are happy with it.  It would be a lot of work and there would be a lot of testing to do and I've never one for change for change sake.

Let's hope there isn't an urgent need in the future.  If it needs to be done it's better to have sufficient time available.

Cheerio John

Matthijs Melissen wrote on 2018-10-07 6:12 PM:
On Sun, 7 Oct 2018 at 23:11, john whelan < <>> wrote:

    JAVA has a number of problems. Many corporations ban its
    installation citing security issues which restricts the machines
    that can use JOSM with all its nice tools.

Is this an actual problem you, or people you know, encounter? If so, is this a policy or a technical measure? In any case, banning Java but allowing arbitrary other executables is silly (a good policy would ban Java Applet plug-ins from browsers instead, this is what might have caused the confusion).

Would offering a version of JOSM somehow wrapped in a .exe help?

-- Matthijs
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