29. Oct 2018 04:08 by jem.maw...@gmail.com <mailto:jem.maw...@gmail.com>:

> Re: > https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/634085262 
> <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/634085262>>  and several more like it in 
> the area.
> It seems that new, short ways have been introduced to replicate the purpose 
> of the existing barrier nodes. i.e. to prevent routing for vehicular traffic. 
> I believe it is incorrect and just adds complexity.
> I plan to contact the user to discuss, but want to make sure I'm right. Can 
> any experienced members please advise?

I am assuming that there is a gate here and there is no short segment where 

motor vehicles are forbidden - though weirder thing happened and maybe there is 
a sign 

meters before gate from each side "motor vehicles forbidden".

I would consider it as a tagging for renderer, and it would be preferable to 
avoid it (tagging

access on gate should be sufficient). On the other hand it is one of the least 
harmful ones

so I would it phrase it "it is not necessary to do that" rather "it is harmful, 
stop immediately,

I reverted your edits".

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