On 11/12/2018 11:11 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:
On 12/11/2018 09:58, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

I would expect this to come from some privacy setting? Maybe you are not sharing timestamps in the trace settings on osm.org <http://osm.org>?

Yes a bug was discovered last week which meant that traces that
were marked as "private" or "public" which are not meant to be
ordered were in fact being returned in order and several editors
were taking advantage of that.

The bug was fixed and as a result data from those traces is
displaying in a confusing way in JOSM and (until a few hours
ago) in Potlatch 2.


Hi Tom,

Thank you for the information.

To be visible on the OSM map "Public GPS Traces" layer, the GPX should be published as "Public". This layer is useful for people, who, for instance, do hiking in wilderness. Because sometimes a path is not mapped yet, but a GPX trace shows that someone could actually walk there. And if there are several traces, it means that there is probably a path.

It would be a good idea if these public GPX traces were shown also as a line in JOSM.

I mean if I publish a GPX file, I would like it to be visible as a line both on the the OSM map "Public GPS Traces" layer, and in the JOSM editor. Dots-only style in the JOSM is also OK, especially if the dots of one GPS trace could be connected with a thin line. Let it be a different, thinner line, but a line. Because in places with a lot of GPS dots it is not clear which dot belong to which trace.

Best regards,


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