On 12/12/2018 13:05, Tomas Straupis wrote:
... I do not imagine how would it be possible to
capture all that "on the ground" without an army of mappers devoted
specifically to this very boring and uninteresting but useful class -

If you're looking for a project that essentially mirrors "official" data without actually checking that its valid then OpenStreetMap might not be the project for you.

What makes OSM unque and better than the alternatives is that the data in it is, where possible, verified by people on the ground. In a sense it's the "anti-wikipedia" - original research is not just allowed it's positively encouraged. Only this original research will catch corner cases like the house that has a name (but that name isn't in any way "official") that still gets mail delivered to it using that name (like the house that I'm sat in right now, actually).

Obviously different OSM communities in different regions differ over how much they want to rely on "official" data* - indeed some different regions within the same country have argued about this in the past, but the general view, which I think we can see from the balance of the posts in this thread, is that most people back the "on the ground" principle - if there's a housename that looks like looks like a house name, it's a house name, even if it's not in an "official" list.

Best Regards,


* for the avoidance of doubt here I'm talking about "official data" outside of any conflict or dispute.

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