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> On 10. Jun 2019, at 02:23, Clifford Snow <> wrote:
> Nuno - On a Facebook Android app I checked [1] they also use the "i" symbol 
> with a link to our attribution. I agree that they could do better, when the 
> map is opened up there is space for proper attribution but they only give a 
> very dim "i" symbol, but it is attributed.

yes, mapbox small screen attribution is generally an issue. The reason they do 
not have or believe they do not have sufficient space for attribution is that 
they use a quite long string:
“(c) mapbox (c) OpenStreetMap Improve this map”.
MB could, on small screens, waive the textual MB attribution requirement 
(because there is already a mapbox image logo), and also the “Improve this 
Map”-link (or expand both on hover/tap), and there would be sufficient space 
for an always visible (c) OpenStreetMap (plus the mapbox logo).
Or make it 2 rows as fits.
Or hide the Mapbox attribution logo behind a click-to-show-“i”   ;-)

It is not a technical restriction that MB doesn’t show the expanded 
attribution, it is rather a result of the other UI choices they made.

> On the website, the map is actually very small.

the license doesn’t limit attribution requirements to bigger map sizes, they 
could put an attribution string below the map if they don’t want it on the map 
for legibility reasons.
If these small maps were limited to one or two instances they would probably be 
ok under the substantial guideline, but as there are literally hundreds of 
millions or even billions of them, we should not let them pass as is.

Ciao, Martin 
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