Hi Bryan

I created additional comment on the changeset inviting that user to contact OpenStreetMap Croatia community if he needs some assistance and guidance. Is that better?

We are small community and we mostly know each other either in person or over other means of communication on that list, but nobody knows that user.

Also he/she never replied to other users direct messages via OSM web, offering help and asking to stop copy/paste buildings, or messing landuses.

Regards, Hrvoje Bogner

On 08. 07. 2019. 21:36, Bryan Housel wrote:
hbonger, your comment here is not very nice.

Reviewing their edits on OSMCha, most of their edits don’t look too bad
https://osmcha.mapbox.com/changesets/69561377?filters=%7B%22users%22%3A%5B%7B%22label%22%3A%22Venko%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22Venko%22%7D%5D%2C%22date__gte%22%3A%5B%7B%22label%22%3A%22%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22%22%7D%5D%7D <https://osmcha.mapbox.com/changesets/69561377?filters={"users":[{"label":"Venko","value":"Venko"}],"date__gte":[{"label":"","value":""}]}>

Maybe you should try being nicer to them and they might care about the map more.  Comments like yours ripple outwards and affect the rest of the OSM project negatively.. Calling some’s edit “bullshit” is not going to get them to draw better buildings.

Just saying - be nicer, thanks.

On Jul 8, 2019, at 2:57 PM, hbogner <hbogner+n...@gmail.com <mailto:hbogner+n...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi all

Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?

Some users already complained about https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Venko to me for inaccurate mapping and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't reply or stop.

Here is an example on which I just stumbled:

He copy/pasted one building all over the place.

I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.

Any suggestions how to fix this mess?

regards, Hrvoje

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