>From Christoph...
> The corporate appropriation of OpenStreetMap and the OSM community has 
> meanwhile all the characteristics of a cult .. But i have strong doubts 
> meanwhile that arguing with people who are  fully immersed into the belief 
> system of corporate PR regarding OSM is  of benefit in most cases.
Well this is pretty much a statement to end the conversation, isn't it? I could 
say the same "cult" about the knee jerk reaction of the self appointed 
representatives of the "hobby mapper". It does lead me to the same conclusion, 
almost -- which is that there is no point discussing these topics with you 
people here. But where would that get us?
I for one would not say anything if I did not personally believe it. I am not 
here representing corporate interests (at this very moment I'm writing this 
from the middle of Nairobi's largest slum working on OSM, rather than a 
comfortable room in Europe). You can still draw whatever conclusions about me 
you like.
For me, enough with the division of OSM along these blunt, uninformed lines.
>From Martin...> Fakeboosts
good one :)
> Whoever reads this and does not have deeper insights into the workings of the 
>OSMF must get into the impression that HOT is an official part of the OSMF / 
>OpenStreetMap, i.e. OSM is collaborating with FB.
Well that very well might be true about perception. But Facebook did not say 
that OSMF was supporting the project. They representing correctly. We all here 
get the difference and understand that HOT is a different organization. Making 
this distinction is not Facebook's problem, but rather HOT and OSMF should do a 
better job explaining the complexity of the whole universe of OSM.
* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron 

    On Friday, July 26, 2019, 12:17:38 PM GMT+3, Martin Koppenhoefer 
<dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 @mikel in Fakeboosts own blog post there is still the misrepresentation of the 
role OSM plays in this project, due to HOT appearing to be an official OSM body 
(by the mere utilization of the OpenStreetMap trademark in their company name):

“The RapiD tool was developed in conjunction with those in the mapping 
community who have been working in this area for many years. Because this tool 
was built with their input, it is already having an impact,” says Tyler 
Radford, the executive director of the Humanitarian OSM Team (HOT), which aims 
to make sure OSM represents all parts of the world."


The Map With AI team is collaborating with HOT to add more features to RapiD. 
For one step in that process, they’ve integrated RapiD into a development 
branch of HOT Tasking Manager, 

Whoever reads this and does not have deeper insights into the workings of the 
OSMF must get into the impression that HOT is an official part of the OSMF / 
OpenStreetMap, i.e. OSM is collaborating with FB.

I am not sure if being a "corporate Gold member" already counts as being in 
collaboration with OSMF (likely not, because "collaboration" means "working" 
(labor) together, not just providing funds)



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