Where in CC-BY-SA's license does it say that attribution must be on top of an image
As written on CC-BY-SA


If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must:

retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the Licensed Material:

 1. identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material and any
    others designated to receive attribution, in any r_*easonable
    manner requested by the Licensor*_ (including by pseudonym if

 in 3 a 1 A 1 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode

that no interaction is allowed???

it says:

4.3 Notice for using output (Contents). Creating and Using a Produced
Work does not require the notice in Section 4.2. However, if you
Publicly Use a Produced Work, _You must include a notice associated with__
__the Produced Work_ reasonably calculated to make any Person that uses,
_views,_ accesses, interacts with, or is _otherwise exposed_ to the Produced
Work aware that Content was obtained from the Database, Derivative
Database, or the Database as part of a Collective Database, and that it
is available under this License.
If you can explain me how  "reasonably calculated" to anyone that views or is exposed means that no attribution must be visibly on the Produced work. Feel free, i would like to know.

Unless OSMF when we switched from CC to ODbL mislead the contributors and it's contributor terms, which i highly doubt.

Let's do an exercise.

LiveStream, a company of Vimeo uses OSM data on their website via a third party provider (Mapbox). I contacted LiveStream to comply with the license, they reply they are not using OSM data. Strange since i see my contributions on it, maybe they are not aware (being premium clients doesn't allow you to remove the attribution, other than the service provider, Mapbox). Asked them who sold them my data without complying with the license that i agreed my content to be distributed under. For over one month their legal department is still checking this.

Link with a map example (feel free to browse to your contribution area), click on the "i" for the map to display https://livestream.com/accounts/9869799/events/7517661 printscreen of the maphttps://ibb.co/TH4LbFp

Now the questions:

1 - Are they fulfilling the license?

a) yes

B) no

2 - Who's responsible?

a) Mapbox

b) LiveStream/Vimeo

But following your "Where in CC-BY-SA's license does it say that attribution must be on top of an image or that no interaction is allowed", i have search all LiveStream website and there's no notice at all of OSM data.

3 - Who's not aware?

a) Mapbox, an OSMF corporate member

b) LiveStream/Vimeo, client of Mapbox

c) contributors/OSMF

Às 18:56 de 09/08/2019, Kathleen Lu escreveu:
Where in CC-BY-SA's license does it say that attribution must be on top of an image or that no interaction is allowed???

On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 10:17 AM Nuno Caldeira <nunocapelocalde...@gmail.com <mailto:nunocapelocalde...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    So you are saying that when we switched from CC to ODbL, the
    bellow quote was not true?

    Both licenses are “By Attribution” and “Share Alike”.


    Also the license is clear, anyone that views, i don't have to
    interact to acknowledge the notice.

    Às 18:08 de 09/08/2019, Kathleen Lu escreveu:

        Guidelines by the licensor

        On legal advice, *what a Licensor says carries weight with
        users of our data and, potentially, to a judge*. A court
        would make a final decision on the issue, however we hope
        these guidelines are helpful to *avoid *disputes arising in
        the first place and can be considered by the courts in
coming to their verdict.


    Nuno, you are quoting this like it's the law, but what you have
    quoted here isn't the *law*, it's what *OSMF* thinks *might*
    happen and what motivates OSMF to put out guidelines. Frankly,
    OSMF can choose to change the language you have quoted as a part
    of changing the guidelines!
    Under the law, the licensor's opinion, as one party to the
    contract, is taken into consideration. However, it is *not* the
    only thing that matters. The words of the licence matter more,
    and if there is a conflict between what the licensor thinks and
    what the licence says, the words of the licence will control. In
    that case, the licensor is simply "wrong" (and there are plenty
    of cases where that was the end result).
    You are right that we hope to avoid disputes by setting out
    reasonable guidelines, but if OSMF sets out guidelines that are
    unreasonable and not tied to the language of the licence, then no
    one, either users of the data or judges, will listen to OSMF,
    and, under the law, rightly so.

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