Hi y'all,

Putting on record that I was part of those who requested FB to
generate road detection for the Philippines there are a few more
people involved.
I defer to these individuals if they want to put forward their names.

While I agree that a few people does not necessarily represent the
whole local community,
I believe those we talked to initially were the most active both in
mapping and community-building in the Philippines.

As mentioned in the announcement, organized mapping effort will only
be initiated if there are local groups (local in the geographic region
they want to map) willing to manage and coordinate.
However, individual mappers who want to use existing detections
provided by FB can directly map their own mapping patches via RapiD.

On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 5:13 PM Peter Barth <osm-p...@won2.de> wrote:
> Hi Eugene,
> Eugene Alvin Villar schrieb:
> > Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with a link since we communicated with
> > Facebook's OSM team privately. This is completely our own initiative and
> > was not initiated from Facebook's side.
> who is this "we"/"our", how many people were directly involved in this
> communication?
> I am a bit worried about your definition of "local community". If this
> initiative was driven by the local community, as you say, why is it only
> recently announced on the talk-ph mailing list?
> Also, for everyone, especially the local community to follow up, you
> could just put the direct messages to the wiki for documentation.
> Thanks,
> Peda
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