EuroVelo routes are not in a great state in OSM. Many of them appear to have 
been armchaired years ago when routes were "in development", and not updated 
since to reflect the correct route.

A handful of examples:

EV3 should follow the new cycleway along the Oise, not the busy D932a

[Czech Republic]!49.9195!14.4621
EV7 is completely wrong in OSM from the south of Prague to Nahoruby, including 
unrideable tracks and a suggestion that cyclists use a “ferry” that in reality 
is a tourist boat that only operates at weekends

EV8 now follows the Pirinexus alignment

…and there are lots more.

I realise people are preoccupied with tagwanking over relation tagging [1] and 
sorting [2] and editor snobbery [3], but there’s not a lot of point fretting 
over how pretty the tagging is on the route relation if the route is actually 
wrong in the first place.

Could I encourage people to check the EuroVelo routes in their home countries 
and update them where necessary?


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