On 2019-11-04 09:28, Simon Poole wrote:
Am 03.11.2019 um 23:08 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
it depends from whom you hide, but generally you should not use a traceable email account if you want to remain anonymous. Using Google would seem like a total no-go (they are even reserving the right to read your emails). Use a live distro like tails (tor browser, spoofs browser a system details, etc. ), do not connect from your home or someone else’s home or any other places that you are related to, do not use a third party login but create a new account for every edit you make and use throw away email addresses for signup. Use generic user names and email addresses created by a random string generator, only use the most common tools like iD and maybe josm, do not use rarely used tags, avoid changeset comments and other free text fields like description and note.

Note, lots of the above would be violations of our ToU, and outside of
that, neither desirable nor a good idea.

Lots? Care to elaborate on that? Where are the ToU, is it <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use_-_Discussion_Draft> (to which I can have some comments too)?

To break down:
1) not use a traceable email account
2) not use Google
3) Use a live distro
4) do not connect from your home or someone else’s home or any other places that you are related to 5) do not use a third party login but create a new account for every edit you make
6) use throw away email addresses for signup
7) Use generic user names and email addresses created by a random string generator,
8) only use the most common tools like iD and maybe josm
9) do not use rarely used tags
10) avoid changeset comments
11) and other free text fields like description and note.

1-4, 8, 9 and 11 surely can not be blocked by the ToU
5-7 maybe, but 7 is not enforcable anyway (well, you can see true random but can not see chosen random)
10 is chosen to be bad practice

In any case, if the link I posted are the ToU, I don't see any of those points being a violation of the ToU. In the case of the account, where the ToU says "You represent and warrant that the information you provide to OSMF upon registration and, at all other times, will be true, accurate, current, and complete" it is an empty point since there is no verifiable information I _have_ to enter into my account. Just a screen name (not my legal name) and an email address.
Further items like my location and a profile description are optional.


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