Am Mi., 6. Nov. 2019 um 09:17 Uhr schrieb Oleksiy Muzalyev <>:

> On the main site one can right-click on a building and select
> "Show address" or "Add a note here" . What if a new type of a note is
> introduced, a structured address note?
> The structured address note entry form will consist of several input
> fields:
> Building number: ...
> Street (avenue): ...
> Post index (zip code, postal code): ...
> City (town, village): ...
> Region (State, Canton, Department): ...
> Country: ...
> It could also include a captcha to prevent mass automated entries.
> Usually people do know very well addresses of buildings in which they
> live, work, or which they visit. This way they will know that the OSM map
> is interested to map the correct postal address, since there is this
> readily available structured address entry form. So they can add an address
> without learning how to use a complex map editor.

I also believe it would be very benificial to call explicitly for address
contributions from unregistered users of the map. I am seeing a lot of
notes created by anonymous users, and providing a formalized way for
address entry would likely make people more frequently provide this kind of
information. If the form is structured, it could also be converted to
actual osm data more quickly by mappers (i.e. this assumes that those
anonymously contributed addresses would still have to be individually
reviewed by mappers).

In order to get good address coverage, provided we prefer local knowledge
over imported data, we must increase the contributor base. Notes have
proven to be able to provide useful information from people who are
reluctant to register.

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