Le sam. 29 févr. 2020 à 13:46, Yves <yve...@mailbox.org> a écrit :

> The wiki description is clear enough:
> name: in general, the most prominent signposted name or the most common
> name in the local language(s)

Good to see that you didn't forget the "(s)" at the end ;)
And the line before use plural:
«Name*s* recorded in name=* tag are one*s* that are locally used,
especially one*s* typically signposted.[1]»

> No plural is used, and for a point in the middle of the sea, one may have
> a hard time to find locals.

An ocean, or a sea, or a bay is not only a point, it is a surface bordering
land where people live and talk about there ocean/sea/bay in there

> I'd say that puri-lingual name(s) with a separator makes sense, but in
> another tag. That way, people using the data hoping that the name tag
> follows the definition won't be misleaded.
> In the absence of the tag name, they can use whatever fallback they choose
> to. Be it name:xx or this new tag for several bordering languages.
> And yes, the complete absence of the name tag does not bother me at all.
> Yves
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