All style users who upgrade to v5.0.0 should re-import the rendering
database so that the changes to lua transformations will take effect.

Because of this requirement, it may take longer than usual for this
version to be implemented by the rendering servers for the "Standard"
map tile layer at

On 3/19/20, Paul Norman via dev <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Today, v5.0.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default
> stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are deployed
> on the it will take couple of days before all tiles
> show the new rendering.
> Changes include
> - An update to Lua tag transforms, setting line vs polygon decisions
>    for new tags
> - Added upper way_area limits to most features using ST_PointOnSurface
>    to avoid performance problems from large polygons
> - Moved MSS files into their own directory
> - Removed rendering of power=cable features
> - Removed overlay pattern for natural=sand
> - Reduced landcover fading at mid-low zoom levels
> - Removed rendering of barrier=kerb
> Thanks to all the contributors for this release.
> For a full list of commits, see
> As always, we welcome any bug reports at
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