On 2020-03-19 1:18 a.m., Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:
On 19.03.20 02:07, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
All style users who upgrade to v5.0.0 should re-import the rendering
database so that the changes to lua transformations will take effect.
As I'm running a "render as many styles as possible" installation based
on a "hstore all, hstore only, vith views on top to provide actual
expected schema" on print.get-map.org, what influence would this have
on the older styles?

"An update to Lua tag transforms, setting line vs polygon decisions
    for new tags"

Is this really just about "What should end up in which table,
planet_osm_line vs. planet_osm_polygon?

In that case it would probably not matter at all ...?

There are a few things we fixed that will result in bugs if you render osm-carto 5.0.0 against a 4.x database, principally with z_order. I don't know if the reverse is true.

As time goes on and we render different features running 5.x against a 4.x database will result in missing features.

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