May 25, 2020, 06:37 by

> Greetings.
> Recently, a user mapped “razed” railways inside a construction zone (link 
> below). These rails had been removed by our local mappers since they don’t 
> exist anymore. Using the latest imagery (Maxar), you can see the rails have 
> been completely removed from “Project 70”, a $1.2 billion Denver-area 
> transportation corridor construction project.
> I think this mapper has good intentions, but what is the point of mapping 
> something that does not exist? Doesn’t this clearly contradict the OSM Good 
> Practice wiki in regards the sections, “Verifiability”, “Map what's on the 
> ground” and “Don't map historic events and historic features”? The last 
> section states, "> Do not map objects if they do not exist currently> ."
Rails were removed - but is there embankment or something similar that makes 
that railway line was there? 

In cases of still present embankment it is a bit tricky what is border between 
"present" and "gone".

Note also that recently gone objects may be temporarily keep to prevent them 
from accidental
remapping - for example based on old memory or old aerial images.

But yes, something completely gone can and should be deleted from OpenStreetMap
(temporarily kept in way that marks it as gone if likely to be accidentally 

> Should we leave (invisible) destroyed buildings in place, tag them as razed 
> and then create new buildings on top of them?
I do this to make people using outdated aerial images less confused. And delete 
once aerial images are updated.

I deleted object where people were either importing old objects, nonexisting 
objects unlikely
to be remapped by accident, supposedly existing old objects that were 

> Should we map things that do not exist?

No, but remapping existing objects as "this is gone now" (building=yes -> 
is often a good idea.

But someone adding nonexisting railways, nonexisting buildings, historic 
boundaries and so on 
should stop, and such additions be reverted.

(note that ruined buildings, ruined railways are mappable, just completely gone 
are not).
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