Am Mi., 16. Sept. 2020 um 11:44 Uhr schrieb Christoph Hormann <>:

> >
> > +0.9, I'd make it more precise: "private activities and private
> > social interactions"
> No, public activities of individual humans are not as such part of the
> verifiable geography either.  If my neighbor takes their dog for a walk
> on a certain route every day that is a public activity - yet does not
> belong in OSM.

I agree it does not belong in OSM because we do not collect information
about individual people and because we only map signposted routes. But as
you also include "permanent
physical manifestations of those" this must somehow be limited. If my
neighbour went everyday at the same spot walking her dog, crossing a lawn
and thereby creating a small path, the result is something I would want to
map. As long as I don't tell anybody that it was my neighbour walking her
dog creating the informal path, there should not be a problem.

We might have different ideas of what a driveway is but a private
> driveway as i imagine it is part of the verifiable geography among
> other things because you have to take notice of cars coming out of
> private driveways as you drive along a public road.  In other words:
> The driveway becomes part of the verifiable geography by being used as
> a driveway.

this is only the last part of the driveway, between the gate (if any) and
the road, typically it isn't "private" in the sense that it is on public
ground, at least in parts.

> For swimming pools that is certainly a matter of size - large swimming
> pools are however major constructions and major users of water supplies
> as well as reservoirs of water - to be used for example by firefighters
> in an emergency.  That is where i would see the interaction on a larger
> scale.

As I said, I do not question that these are useful to map (also as
consumers of large quantities of water, I know, currently you can use as
much water as you like, if you pay for it, but drinking water is a limited
resource on the planet, so also morally I find it ok to map them, besides
their usefulness in case of an emergency). But they are not public and the
public is not interacting with them "on a larger scale", this is what I
wanted to point out.

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