To put this more into context, the facebook page does have a link to
OpenStreetMap behind the faint "i", and the majority of contributors may
eventually see this as reasonable attribution for the small map they
initially show, but it is quite clearly not suitable on the bigger popup
map to make everybody who sees the map aware that the data is from
OpenStreetMap. The license is only visible if you click a second time ("map
data legal notices"), while the "© OpenStreetMap" text could be even seen
as misleading (because the license if not presented at the same level).

Whether this is actually a copyright infringement of the license may be up
to a legal decision, although in my interpretation of 4.3 "a notice
associated with the Produced Work reasonably calculated to make *any*
Person that uses, views, accesses, interacts with, or is otherwise exposed
to the Produced Work aware that Content was obtained from the Database,
Derivative Database, or the Database as part of a Collective Database, and
that it is available under this License." it clearly is not making any
person that is exposed to the work aware that it is from OSM nor of the
license. But it is clear that it is not in line with the OSMF
interpretation of the requirements, we have delineated here:
*"For a browsable electronic map, the credit should appear in the corner of
the map."*

This is a very essential thing for OSM, it is the guarantee that our word
is spread, users are becoming familiar with our name and ultimately that
our community will grow.
Other widespread online mapping services also require this kind of *attribution
on the map*, usually even more prominently (brand logo with much bigger
size than our textual example).

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