Dec 3, 2020, 11:07 by

> Am Do., 3. Dez. 2020 um 10:49 Uhr schrieb Mateusz Konieczny via talk <> 
>> >:
>> Dec 3, 2020, 00:44 by >>>> :
>>> People have thought the same about Donald Trump - yeah, this
>>> whole
>> I think that form of this is very unfortunate and references
>> to Trump and genitalia could be dropped without losing anything.
>> This really have not added anything useful and this insults
>> were problematic. Especially as the same could be expressed
>> without comparing such actions to rape (implied rape?).
> Mateusz, have a second read what Stevea wrote, because he put it very well
> why sometimes it may be appropriate to use strong terms: "However, sometimes,
> as when we have abusive, naked aggression inside of (sometimes at the very 
> top of!)
> institutions, we must call out such atrocious behavior.  We call it out to 
> say 
> “we will not stand for this.” 
I fully agree. And I am a bit involved in this, see

I create it slowly, it is intended to be a version of that would be 
clear to someone from outside OSM.

Also, focusing on especially egregious violations.

Primarily by massive corporation where missing attribution is not caused by 
lack of 
resources, but by a deliberate plagiarism.

In Mapbox or FB display of attribution certainly went through review that judged
violating OSM license as safe.

> Sometimes, colorful language is used to draw attention to this.
In general I agree, see repository name that I linked above.

This was deliberate, despite some risk that one of corporations listed there
(I plan to add FB there with evidence of violating OSBL) may decide
to attack me using their overwhelming advantage in terms of money,
number of employed lawyers and experience in avoiding legal system
or misusing it for their own advantage.

I strongly prefer claims and language such as 
"FB commits large scale-copyright violation",
"FB is llegally using OpenStreetMap data to show maps",
"FB is plagiarising maps shown on their website and in apps",
"Mapbox misrepresents actual source of data",
"FB representative claims that attribution is not needed to be clearly 
displayed, what is untrue"
 "OSMF can at any moment file accurate DMCA notice to take down FB apps"
"Recent attribution guideline looks like written by FB and Mapbox lawyers,
misrepresents ODBL requirements and is deeply harmful"

All of them are accurate.

While "missing attribution is like sexual assault" seems to be inaccurate,
unlikely to be useful and unlikely to be seriously treated by people, especially
outside OSM community.

>   Sometimes, because people either are not fully aware of this in their 
> experience, wish to turn away from looking at evil, or because they are part 
> of those who "say nothing about bad men” (in the sense of John Stuart Mill’s 
> quote, while "good men...look on and do nothing") the very nature of nasty, 
> disingenuous people who mislead, lie, deceive, do not recuse, demand 
> unwarranted loyalty, refuse to play by the rules, “stack the (court, Board)," 
> slander… must be so vividly brought to light that strong and colorful 
> language IS required."
I fully support strong language - just one without pulling into problematic 
USA politics, genitalia and so on. It seems to be both counteproductive and 
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