Hello everybody!

I hope you're having a good weekend. I'm looking for help with reverting a
(Kings Cross, London)

The changeset is labeled "Large correction of outdated information", and
while the 'correction' was large, the information wasn't outdated at all.
The editor mistook an extensive set underground paths (labeled correctly
with level, leading to underground railways) for obsolete footpaths and
stripped them all out - removing the entire underground structure. They
hadn't noticed that the same user (me, bjohas) had put them all in only a
year or so earlier (which took me weeks and weeks to do, sigh).

Obviously a few edits have happened since, but the underground footpaths
haven't been restored/re-added. I'd like to 'cautiously' revert/merge those
edits. However, it does involve many many paths, nodes etc etc. While I'm a
fairly experienced mapper / josm user (
https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/bjohas), I feel that I'd best do this
with support from somebody, to make sure that the initial destruction
doesn't lead to more destruction...

Would somebody be willing to look at this and advise?
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