On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 12:26 PM, David Carlisle <dav...@nag.co.uk> wrote:

> On 08/01/2014 12:17, Ihe Onwuka wrote:
>  list of them,  it is not weird at all.
>> Furthermore atomizing it makes explicitly clear to the programmer whats
>> gone on whereas barfing about duplicate attribute nodes when what you
>> have coded
>> <something>{$t/@sex}</__something>
>> has no  explicit duplicate node in sight is bloody confusing until you
>> figure out that the duplicates have mysteriously morphed from the group
>> by clause. Note this can happen even if your are grouping on something
>> other than @sex.
>>  you seem to be saying you want
> <something sex="M"/>
No I'm not. I want

<someting sex='M M"/>

then I could count them.

and if it was

<foo bar="...."/> where the sequence of @bar's take on several distinct
overlapping values I may want to union or interesect them

and if @bar didn't taken on overlapping values I may want to return them as
a list.

I don't know how much clearer I can make this.

> if there is one attribute in the list but to atomise if there are two
> and produce
> <something>MM</something>
> I don't think that would be helpful but as Michael commented it's
> irrelevant what either of us think as that's not how it's defined (and
> basically it has been defined this way since Xpath 1, 15 years ago)
> If you want a single attribute you want
> {$t[1]/@sex}  <something sex="M"/>
> If you want the concatenation of the atomisation of all the attributes as
> a text node child, you want
> {$t/string(@sex)}  <something>MM</something>
> If you want the atomisation of a single attribute as a text node child you
> want
> {$t[1]/@sex}  <something>M</something>
> I can't imagine a case where you want to decide between those depending on
> whether there is a duplicate or not.
> David
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