here is my take from a previously private email to igor:

My understanding is that:

both types of boleos start with a follower's pivot and then:

* for contra boleos the leader changes the direction of the follower's pivot
sending the free leg out and up
* for "with" boleos the leader stops the rotation of the upper torso and
allows the momentum of the free leg to continue wrapping around the standing

The extra contra energy generates centrifugal force and sends the free leg
away from the center of the pivot. Without the contra energy, the leg is not
sent out, but only around.

The mechanics of the knee only allow the free leg to wrap around the
standing leg during the front boleo. For this reason back boleos are best
led contra.

And, in my opinion forward boleos feel best when done without the contra
motion, it keeps the free leg nice and tightly wrapped around the standing
leg. And, it keeps the leg close to the axis in the unwrapping process as


On Dec 13, 2007 6:00 PM, Jay Rabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is a difficult concept, to be sure, but here's my take on it. This
> is just my way of conceptualizing and thinking about it. I'm sure there
> are other valid ways as well.
> Let's say we're talking about a follower's left back boleo, meaning she is
> using her left foot.
> I think about it like this: Any boleo requires a change in direction of
> rotation (or more precisely a sharp acceleration in rotation). In a
> normal boleo you "wind her up" CCW, then rotate her sharply back CW to
> generate the kick of the boleo with her free left foot.
> In a contra boleo, you don't do the CCW wind-up, you just rotate her
> sharply CW (usually by a big step around her). The "change of
> direction" is a defacto change to CW rotation from a relatively
> stable/standing/stationary position (or it is a rapid acceleration in
> CW rotational velocity)
> To go further, she doesn't really need to be stationary either, as you
> can use any "residual" or default CCW rotational momentum from whatever
> previous step to do the contra boleo as well.
>       J
> > Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 14:27:22 -0500
> > To:
> > Subject: [Tango-L] Boleo/ contra-boleo
> >
> > Igor asked about the difference. I am sure he knows boleos, so I am
> > posting at the risk of a retort claiming they are both technically
> > boleos, but here goes:
> > I think of leading boleos in two ways:
> > 1.      by moving my torso and frame "with" the womans pivot, in the
> > same direction  either clockwise (cw) or counterclockwise (ccw), and
> > stopping or changing my torso direction once her hips pass the fail-safe
> > point; or
> > 2.     "against" (contra) her rotation, ie., start by leading her to
> > pivot on one foot  cw and then after fail safe point generate boleo by
> > moving my torso and frame counterclockwise (ccw). Or vice versa.
> >
> > Okay so both of these are boleos.  Entonces, maybe what Igor is asking
> > about is a double boleo, as in leading a left front boleo followed
> > immediately be a left back boleo, which can be continued indefinitely,
> > (but practically more than three is overkill).  Some people call these
> > "contra" boleos, even though  these could be led either with or against.
> > But its easier for me, and feels better,  to lead multiple boleos as
> > "against"  boleos.
> >
> > -Martin Nussbaum
> >
> >
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