
You're right, but I did say for ... "leading a snappy Boleo" ... not a
languorous one. In that case, it's unlikely that there would be a problem
with the woman's over-rotation, which was the subject of my post.

Keith, HK

On Sat Dec 15  5:35 ,  sent:

>>> It's important to remember that leading a snappy Boleo doesn't depend on
>>> force but on timing the change of direction precisely. And after the
>>> sharp change of direction, it's important to slow the woman down so that
>>> the over-rotation described in the previous post doesn't occur. 
>But change of direction need not be sharp.  Can do wonderful, languorous
>boleo with (relatively) slow change of direction.  Contra-boleo involves no
>change of direction.  Only a rotational acceleration sufficient to leave
>free leg behind.  No??
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