I was at Practica X one night when Dana Frigoli & Pablo Villarazza 
(the founders of DNI) and Pablo Inza and Mariela Sametband danced 
improvisationally to music selected by the crowd after a tandem 
seminar. Milena Plebs showed up to watch them perform and was 
enthusiastically appreciative. It's interesting to consider that, in 
contrast to other people's scornful denigration...

  I've never attended a class at DNI, and that evening at Practica X 
is my only experience of Dana & Pablo. To me it seems that they 
clearly offered much to deepen the tango of dancers no matter what 
their personal style of social dancing might be--and their 
improvisational performance was exquisitely musical,  creative, 
displayed much dynamic range and graceful technical facility, 
intimately connected, evocative and inspiring.

Ithaca, NY

At 7:22 PM -0700 4/16/08, Huck Kennedy wrote:
>      As I read through this article, I was so hoping for a cargo pants
>reference and almost thought I was going to be disappointed, when
>finally--Yes!!  It showed up in the next-to-last paragraph.
>      Bravo, Mr. Clarke.

At 11:34 PM -0300 4/16/08, Tango Tango wrote:
>If only the founders of DNI would have the courtesy to wear cargo pants. (Or
>any pants, for that matter)
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