Great article.  Thank you, Huck.

I think that it is OK that they dance that way.  For now.  If they 
are under 30, they probably do not have the inner resources to 
appreciate the finer things  of tango that the author refers 
to.  Some of it may be even scary for them.

But if you give them 10 years or so, they might change.  By that 
time, all of the current traditionalists of whatever age might be 
dead, and so these people will be the future dancers.  And they will 
not dance as they do now.  This stuff is deeply unsatifying after one 
achieves a level of maturity that commands self-respect.

So tango nuevo is a great trick meant to suck in the young and 
innocent, and keep them there until they become smart enough and 
mature enough to be trusted with the real thing.


At 08:22 PM 4/16/2008, Huck Kennedy wrote:
>On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 7:04 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Here's a great article by Terence Clarke on Tango Nuevo, with the 
> popular DNI
> > school in BsAs as an example of what he terms "Playground Tango":
> >
> >
>      As I read through this article, I was so hoping for a cargo pants
>reference and almost thought I was going to be disappointed, when
>finally--Yes!!  It showed up in the next-to-last paragraph.
>      Bravo, Mr. Clarke.
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