> From: Trini y Sean (PATangoS) <patan...@yahoo.com>
> I'm not hypothesizing that Nuevo is not tango.  I don't see that it can't be 
> tango the same way Finnish Tango is a type of tango, or International Tango 
> is a 
> type of tango.  Why insist that extreme Nuevo is Argentine Tango?

Why can't we think of Nuevo in the same way we think of Milonga, i.e. related, 
but a completely different dance to Tango with its own steps, style and music. 
After all, Milonga only became part of the 'Tango Trinity' in the 1930s. And, 
as no one dances Milonga to Tango music or Tango to Milonga music, so it 
would be with Nuevo. We could then add Nuevo Tandas during milongas. 
If people don't like Nuevo, they can just sit out the tanda, just as many do 
with Milonga. 



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