> From: "joanneprocha...@aol.com" joanneprocha...@aol.com

> In my book, women should be quite confident that 
> if one man cannot meet her needs (give her a nice dance), then, not to worry 
> because there is another one who can ...> 

Maybe yes, maybe no. 

Joanne, I understand what you're saying and, to some extent, agree with you. 
ladies who become too choosy must be prepared to accept the consequences. In 
my own community, there are a number of ladies who have developed a reputation 
for being overly-critical of the men [usually after a visit to BsAs]. The 
result is that 
no one asks them to dance anymore. 

Maybe ladies need to be prepared to accept a few 'not-so-good' tandas so that 
can get a few 'good' tandas. But that's everyone's choice to make. 


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