A question for the ladies. What's more important in a leader, to be
assertive and positive or passive and hesitant?
I can still vividly recall an incident at my very beginning of tango. A
woman considerably more experienced, tried to help by instructing me to be
more positive. In my mind I was positive - I was positive that I didn't know
what I was doing. This moment was quite pivotal in my tango development. I
could easily have elected to do the macho thing and become assertive and
positive although I had no skills or knowledge to support it. I could have
learned to give women an assertive, positive and crappy dance, instead of a
passive, hesitant and crappy dance. I believe I wisely chose the latter, in
the belief that in time I would be skilled enough to become assertive and
positive. Passive and hesitant, two traits that are an anathema to
manliness; traits that women despise in men. Could a man be forgiven for
transgressing into manhandling his partner because he couldn't bear the
shame whilst waiting to acquire the skills. Of course, there are always
knuckle heads like me.


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