Trini wrote:
"I love it when my husband chases the opposite sex at milongas - especially 
when the only one he is chasing is me.

And we both have gotten hit on.  It's an easy thing to say no.  The guys who 
are really good at flirting do so in such a way that they "open the door" to 
the possibility by making her feel special.  (Take note, single guys).

Piropos?  Cafe milonguero or cafe amigos?  El duende?  The tango embrace as 
a hug?  This list has had multiple threads on these issues.

I'm not suggesting that chasing the opposite sex is the main reason for 
going to a milonga.  But it's there and flavors the dance.  Without it, you 
might as well switch to ballet or some other performance-oriented dance."

Nice comment Trini! Hilarious too.I agree and please forgive me for my wrong 
assumption.I'm not an indifferent man Trini, and when a lady calls my 
attention for one reason or another, I cannot hide it. Believe me, I do not 
hesitate to say a nice compliment. I have a nice repertoire of "piropos" and 
I use them with caution. Too late to switch...I'm addicted now.  Besides, I 
love "the abrazo," a natural human need for unity, uncontaminated contact, 
and affection.As a Hispanic guy, I'm use to it and I need my dairy doses of 
hugs and affection. It is healthy.May you reserve a tanda for me for the 
next milonga?I'll ask permission to your kind husband first.  :-)Ruben 

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