[Tango-L] Social-ethical behaviors and protocols


by Artem Maloratsky  - Copyright ©2007 (with special permission from the 
author) http://www.tangoprinciples.org/


The art of tango dancing at its best is a means for conscious evolution of 
the practitioner. In this section I explain what I mean by conscious 
evolution and how tango dancing can function as a means for it.

-         Consciousness can be seen as the patterning of matter and energy.

-         Evolution by natural selection no longer functions among humans.

-         There is evidence for the existence of other mechanisms of 

-         Conscious choice more than ever before determines the direction of 
development of our species.

-         There is therefore a need to consciously chart our own development 
as individuals and as a species.

-         Each human being is capable of knowing the direction of conscious 
evolution in the given circumstances.

      The main "sensor" of the direction is one's "heart", one's experience 
of bliss.

-         There is research showing the relation between happiness and the 
so-called "flow" states.

-         In order to engage meaningfully and consistently in a "flow" 
activity, it must be sensibly instrumental for one's conscious evolution.

-         An evolutionary activity or interaction is the one practiced 
specifically for the purpose of blissful experiences and the evolution of 
one's consciousness.

-         In order to be functional, an evolutionary activity must have 
certain essential features.

-         Some cultures of the past intuitively recognized good evolutionary 
activities and their cultural significance.

-         There are many aspects of tango dancing which make it a good 
evolutionary activity.

-         Tango has been therapeutic and has helped the development of my 
consciousness in a variety of ways.

-         In order for the evolutionary potential of tango to manifest, the 
right approach is necessary.

"True happiness is the happiness of growth."

Pierre Teillard de Chardin

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