On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Lois Donnay <don...@donnay.net> wrote:
> This is great, because it is the truth. Unfortunately, students demand to
> know what the teachers are teaching, thinking that their own ability to tell
> what they need is better than the teachers.  I find this false confidence in
> what a student thinks they need is one of the - no, it is the biggest -
> roadblock to their actually learning anything.  Second is having their
> feelings hurt when they hear the truth.  Why pay for lessons if you aren't
> willing to trust the teacher???
> Every teacher worth anything is already doing this - but cannot say so in so
> direct of a fashion. I applaud them.

     I agree 100% with everything Lois says above, for private
lessons.  But not for a group lesson of strangers at a festival in
which every student is different, and has different needs.


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