This is a tricky one.  I am aware that in at least some sense there is 
intellectual property involved, although I am not sure it is to the extent 
claimed and I really am not interested in lawyer like arguments.  
As an entirely practical matter, since I find it difficult to remember what is 
taught (alarm: short term memory weakening!!), I take classes only with 
teachers who do a useful video summary.  If the teachers don't, it's a deal 
breaker as far as I am concerned and I take my business elsewhere.  In my not 
inconsiderable experience (20 years now, over 50 festivals in the US and 
Europe), most teachers are generous and giving in this aspect to their 
interested students.  A few may wish to take another attitude, and that's fine 
by me as I long as I know in advance so I can avoid spending my tango dollars 
on them.
Best wishes to all.
Nitin Kibe
Washington DC                                     
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