dear postfix expert,

sorry beginner nih...jgn marah ya....

aku install postfix dan coba jalankan postfix nya, di egrep muncul berikut
ini...apa yg salah?? mohon bantuan

#egrep '(reject|warning|error|fatal|panic):' /var/log/maillog

keluar begini =

Nov 21 15:22:25 firewall postfix[31792]: warning: My hostname firewall is
not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in
Nov 21 15:22:26 firewall postfix/master[31793]: warning: My hostname
firewall is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in
Nov 21 15:22:26 firewall postfix/postsuper[31831]: warning: My hostname
firewall is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in
Nov 21 15:22:26 firewall postfix/postfix-script: warning: My hostname
firewall is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in
Nov 21 15:22:27 firewall postfix/master[31835]: warning: My hostname
firewall is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in
Nov 21 15:22:27 firewall postfix/master[31835]: fatal: bind INADDR_ANY
port 25: Address already in use
Nov 21 15:22:48 firewall postfix[31836]: warning: My hostname firewall is
not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in
Nov 21 15:22:48 firewall postfix/master[31837]: warning: My hostname
firewall is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in
Nov 21 15:22:48 firewall postfix/postfix-script: warning: My hostname
firewall is not a fully qualified name - set myhostname or mydomain in
Nov 21 15:22:48 firewall postfix/postfix-script: fatal: the Postfix mail
system is not running
Nov 21 15:24:13 firewall postfix/master[31884]: fatal: bind INADDR_ANY
port 25: Address already in use
Nov 21 15:24:17 firewall postfix/postfix-script: fatal: the Postfix mail
system is not running
Nov 21 15:24:24 firewall postfix/master[31931]: fatal: bind INADDR_ANY
port 25: Address already in use
Nov 21 15:29:14 firewall postfix/master[31983]: fatal: bind INADDR_ANY
port 25: Address already in use


thanks banyak

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