Kok gak ada pesan dari Om Rio ?
Cuma nambahin :
There is some EXPERIMENTAL support for writing to NTFS partitions from
within Linux, but it is extremely dangerous to do so. There won't be full,
stable support for r/w support from within Linux for some time yet.

To give the correct permissions while mounting an NTFS partition from the
console, you would execute a command such as this:

mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/windows -t ntfs -r -o umask=0222

The umask= switch determines the permissions with which the partition is
mounted. To arrive at the number, calculate the octal permissions you
require, and take that from 777. In this instance, 0222 will give
permissions of r-x-r-x-r-x, which is what you want.

The appropriate /etc/fstab entry will be this:

/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs ro,umask=0222 0 0


On Mon, 12 Jan 2004, Rio Martin wrote:

!On Monday 12 January 2004 10:25, Indra Wahyudi wrote:
!> Hash: SHA1
!> On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 09:34:48 +0700
!> Anwar Purnomo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
!> /etc/export udah boleh rw?? mungkin bisa kasih contoh file exportnya?? ;-)
!> > Saya barusan install MDK 9.2, saya lihat NTFS sudah termount di ..
!> > /mnt/win_d , tapi waktu saya pake' koq nggak bisa yah (ada data email yg
!> > saya mau share dg linux) .. saya coba chmod ataupun chown nggak bisa ..
!> > katanya itu file system .. gimana yah biar bisa di gunakan .. (biar enak
!> > nggak mindah2 data dan bisa di pake' di dua platform) .. Thank's
!> Salam,
!> - --
!> Indra Wahyudi

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