Squreelmail saya masih error nih setiap authentikasi
selalu muncul error seperti ini: "ERROR Unknown user
or password incorrect." , configrasi (config.php) nya
seperti ini :
$domain                 = 'mydomain.co.id';
$imapServerAddress      = 'localhost';
$imapPort               = 143;
$useSendmail            = false;
$smtpServerAddress      = 'localhost';
$smtpPort               = 25;
$sendmail_path          = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
#$sendmail_path          = '/usr/sbin/postfix';
$pop_before_smtp        = false;
#$imap_server_type       = 'other';
$imap_server_type       = 'courier';
$invert_time            = false;
$optional_delimiter     = 'detect';

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sama dan bisa bantu


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