> -----Original Message-----
> From: eddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 5:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [tanya-jawab] named: update domain.com denied?
> > Kalau ini kemungkinan mesin (11.22.333.4444) tsb mati atau tdk 
> > terkoneksi dgn internet (sedang putus mungkin ?)
> bisa jadi, tapi setahu saya tidak punya hubungan apapun dgn 
> mesin berip ini.
> > Benar, Primary DNS sedang update ke Secondary anda.
> > Semoga membantu
> berarti mesin 11.22.333.444 adalah secondary saya yg gagal 
> mengupdate domain.com? anehnya saya ping ke secondary ns saya 
> ip-nya beda. tapi kalo saya nslookup ke ip dgn ns secondary 
> saya, emang fail. saya akan coba disable ns secondarynya dari 
> domain tsb.
> terima kasih.
> eddy

saya habis nyari2 set untuk bind, saya lihat ini mungkin membantu :

url nya : http://www.isc.org/index.pl?/sw/bind/FAQ.php

I keep getting log messages like the following. Why? 
Jun 21 12:00:00.000 client update denied 
Someone is trying to update your DNS data using the RFC2136 Dynamic
Update protocol. Windows 2000 machines have a habit of sending dynamic
update requests to DNS servers without being specifically configured to
do so. If the update requests are coming from a Windows 2000 machine,
see <http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q246/8/04.asp> for
information about how to turn them off. 


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