On 03 September 2004 pm 17:49, Harnanto wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 13:28:37 +0700, Rio Martin. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > RFC1912 saya baca cuma basic tentang record DNS saja.
> coba search aja di RFC1912 keyword 'PTR'

2.1 Inconsistent, Missing, or Bad Data
" Make sure your PTR and A records match.  For every IP address, there
   should be a matching PTR record in the in-addr.arpa domain

"Don't use CNAMEs in combination with RRs which point to other names
   like MX, CNAME, PTR and NS.  (PTR is an exception if you want to
   implement classless in-addr delegation.)  For example, this is
   strongly discouraged:
           podunk.xx.      IN      MX      mailhost
           mailhost        IN      CNAME   mary
           mary            IN      A

hihihihi .. :)) memang masih banyak .. :p

- Rio.Martin -

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