On 2/2/06, Hudan Ramadhona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> gimana sih cara membuat miror debian sendiri?

Sekedar bahan pertimbangan, http://www.debian.org/mirror/size

How big is the Debian FTP site?

Numbers on this page are from the archive as of 03 July 2005.

the whole thing
    Roughly 120 GB.
a released architecture (from oldstable, stable, testing and unstable)
    ranges from 5.5 GB to 9 GB (roughly), architecture independent
packages also take roughly 9 GB.
an unreleased architecture
    on average 0.6 GB but growing.
    about 18.5 GB.

Pada sekitar akhir tahun 2000 saya sempat membuat mirror Debian yang
hanya memuat binary i386 dan source. Disk space gak masalah, tapi link
128kbps tidak memadai saat itu. Mungkin sekarang butuh 256kbps+ ?

-- andika

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