On Wednesday 13 December 2006 17:40, Dwi Wahyono wrote:
> Saya sendiri belum pernah copy file besar sebanyak itu tapi copy iso
> DVD  2.5 GB pernah. Memang ntfs-3g belum production quality tidak
> untuk mount partisi berisi data penting dan terlalu riskan menjalankan
> move ke partisi ntfs-3g.
> dari http://www.ntfs-3g.org/support.html:
> Why is writing large files sometimes very slow?
>  The block allocator and the related metadata updating algorithms are
> not efficient for large files on very fragmented volumes.
>  Workaround: Try to defragment NTFS, it may help.

sori jadi OOT
tapi gatel aja 

gimana cara defrag NTFS di linux ya? :D

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