Wah .., thanks Pak Doni .. :)

Saya akan lanjutkan besok .., mau pulang, mandi, dan shalat taraweh ..,
walaupun munfarid .. ^_^

I'll  let you know the improvement tomorrow ...


On 9/13/07, Doni Andri Cahyono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> W wrote:
> > nah ..., kalau saya buat sendiri file nya ternyata skrh bisa mengukur

> >
> > Hampir ketemu ...
> >
> Gotcha! kalau begitu, device mmcblk0p2 tidak dikenal di bagian ini
> static int get_device_infos(const char *device, struct device_infos
> *infos) di file setup.c
> Btw, keep going :-)
> Doni

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