Benar juga dugaan saya kemarin ..., kutunya ada di fungsi ...

LUKS_open_key() di keymanage.c

kalau return nya diganti == (return 1)

jadi langsung bisa ...., hehe ...

ketika googling ada yang bilang memcmp di uclibnya ada bugsnya, tapi
tertanggal 2004, seharus nya skrg tidak masalah lagi ...

berarti sekarang konsentrasi mencari kenapa variabel checkHashBuf dan
hdr->mkDigest, di

        r = (memcmp(checkHashBuf,hdr->mkDigest, LUKS_DIGESTSIZE) == 0)?0:-EPERM;

berbeda ...

Output junk Code nya kalau return nya di ubah jadi 1, menjadi seperti ini :


bash-3.2# cryptsetup --cipher aes luksOpen /dev/mmcblk0p2 rahasia

Entering action_luksOpen()...


Entering crypt_job() function ...

 Entering setup_enter()...

 End of  setup_enter()...

Entering __crypt_luks_open() ...


backend->status(0, &tmp, NULL) = -19

get_device_infos(options->device, &infos) = 0

Before entering passphrase

Entering ... --> get_key function


 Entering spot 5

 fd = options->passphrase_fd = 0

 Entering spot 6 - isatty(fd) == TRUE

Entering *safe_alloc()...


End of *safe_alloc()...


safe_alloc(512) = 21836

 options->timeout  = 0

 Entering interactive_pass()...


 infd = 4

 outfd = 4

Masukkan LUKS passphrase:

 spot 1  @ interactive_pass()

Entering untimed_read()....


fd = 4

pass =

maxlen = 512

 read(fd, pass, maxlen) = 6

End of untimed_read() with return value = 0


 NOT failed on ...: interactive_pass()

 outfd = 4

 spot 2  @ interactive_pass()

 Pass =  12345

 failed variable value = 0

 End of interactive_pass()...


 Entering spot 8

 passLen value = 2140757060

strlen(pass) = 5

pass = 12345

 key Value (string)=

 key Value (digit)= 2140757064

 Entering spot 14; isatty(fd) = 1


 End of get_key()...

 Password value @__crypt_luks_open() =  12345

Entering  LUKS_open_any_key(), check the parameters Value ...:

 Device = /dev/mmcblk0p2

 Password = 12345

Entering LUKS_read_phdr()


Return value r = 0

End of LUKS_read_phdr()


 i = 0

Entering loop @LUKS_open_any_key()

 lUKS_NUMKEYS Value = 8

 Entering LUKS_open_key()...


Print paramater value ...


 device = /dev/mmcblk0p2

 keyIndex = 0

 password = 12345

 passwordLen = 5


AFEKSize = 64000

 AfKey value = P

PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1() Parameter value ..., BEGIN :

 password = 12345

 passwordLen = 5

 hdr->keyblock[keyIndex].passwordSalt = ƒ¾7ë³ÌÏ>yƒ È–ž5"XÍ^ÝMKn]ä4I¢lò


 hdr->keyblock[keyIndex].passwordIterations = 5634

 derivedKey = *¬J

 hdr->keyBytes = 16

PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1() Parameter value ..., END

Entering PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1() .....


password = 12345

passwordLen = 5

Entering HMAC_REINIT()




nd of PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1() .....


Entering LUKS_decrypt_from_storage()...

 Entering LUKS_endec_template()...


Entering setup_mapping()...


Entering *safe_alloc()...


End of *safe_alloc()...


Entering *safe_alloc()...


End of *safe_alloc()...


The return val (r) = 0

End of  setup_mapping()...





Return value r = 0

 End of LUKS_endec_template()...


LUKS_decrypt_from_storage() value = 0

 Entering AF_merge() function ...

 End of AF_merge() function ...

 r = AF_merge() ==> 0

checkHashBuf =

Entering PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1() .....


password = ÷"

passwordLen = 16

Entering HMAC_REINIT()




nd of PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1() .....


checkHashBuf = Œ'[EMAIL PROTECTED]>–á«×*«àÞ

hdr->mkDigest= 2140756468


memcmp(checkHashBuf,hdr->mkDigest, LUKS_DIGESTSIZE

 = 200

 r = (memcmp) ==> -1

 End of  LUKS_open_key()... with r value = r


 The return value of LUKS_open_key() = 1

Entering *safe_alloc()...


End of *safe_alloc()...


Entering *safe_alloc()...


End of *safe_alloc()...


out 2:

out 1:

out :


End of __crypt_luks_open() ...

job(arg, backend, options) ==

Entering setup_leave()...

End of setup_leave()...

End of crypt_job() function ...

crypt_luksOpen(&options) = 0

Command successful.

End of action_luksOpen()...



Person who say it cannot be done should not interrupt person doing it.
Miracles are closer than you think ...
HP: 08888378594
Y! : hawking_123

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