2008/12/10 rasyid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear rekan-rekan milist,
> Saya membaca step instalasi ubuntu 8.04 dekstop dan disitu tertulis
> antara lain:
> 1.Tambahkan di /etc/passwd ---> +:::::/data:
> 2.Tambahkan di /etc/group  ---> +:::
> 3.Tambahkan di /etc/shadow ---> +::::::::
> Saya belum faham maksud perintah + dan : diatas sebagai apa,
> saya coba googling tapi belum mendapatkan jawaban.Mungkin rekan2 bisa
> bantu memberikan pemahaman saya.

tanda ':' adalah pembatas field
isi '+' ini yang aneh
      The encrypted password field may be blank, in which case no
password is required to
       authenticate as the specified login name. However, some
applications which read the
       /etc/passwd file may decide not to permit any access at all if
the password field is
       blank. If the password field is a lower-case "x", then the
encrypted password is actually
       stored in the shadow(5) file instead; there must be a
corresponding line in the
       /etc/shadow file, or else the user account is invalid. If the
password field is any other
       string, then it will be treated as an encrypted password, as
specified by crypt(3).

Yakin mesti diisi '+'?


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