If I might make a couple of observations, and ask a question ...

Obs: document status:

This is actually not as nailed down as you might think. The IESG can, and
sometimes does, discuss the proper status for a document as late as IESG
Evaluation (I've been involved in one of those conversations today for a
document on this Thursday's telechat, although that doesn't happen every
telechat). It's good to start out with a goal in mind, but you actually
have some flexibility.

Obs: milestones in general:

Some folks might understand this better than I did when I became an AD, so
I apologize if I'm boring anyone, but the food chain works like this:

The charter text, and this doesn't include the milestones, is a matter for
the IESG, in consultation with the community. Rechartering goes back to the
IESG and to the community.

The milestone text is a matter for the AD, in consultation with the working
group. Additions, changes and deletions that are within scope of the agreed
charter don't go back to the IESG. We often stick document status
in milestones, and that doesn't go back to the IESG, either.

Milestone dates are a matter for the chairs, in consultation with the
working group. An AD might have opinions about how fast a working group
should be moving, but we don't approve milestone date changes.

The high-order bit is, you really want work described in the charter text
unless you want to go back to the IESG, but a working group can
add/change/remove milestones for work that's described in the charter at
whatever time seems appropriate. So, please look most carefully at the
non-milestone charter text, because that's what's most difficult to change.

I would expect TAPS to add milestones when TAPS is ready to adopt an
individual draft (the draft name is one of the milestone attributes), and
work on it as a group. After that, the draft needs to reflect the editor's
understanding of what the working group thinks.

Q: So, my question:

How important is it for the working group to begin work on the third
deliverable immediately?


Spencer, as AD
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