> On 20 Jul 2016, at 10:38, Michael Welzl <mich...@ifi.uio.no> wrote:
>> On 20. jul. 2016, at 10.27, Colin Perkins <c...@csperkins.org> wrote:
>>> On 19 Jul 2016, at 18:06, G Fairhurst <go...@erg.abdn.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> On 19/07/2016, 17:49, Michael Welzl wrote:
>>>>> On 19. jul. 2016, at 17.40, Joe Touch<to...@isi.edu>  wrote:
>>>>> On 7/19/2016 5:27 AM, Michael Welzl wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks - I agree, it’s on the agenda for tomorrow’s MPTCP session, and 
>>>>>> TAPS is the day after, which fits nicely.
>>>>>> Note, I phrased this controversial on purpose to generate a bit of list 
>>>>>> discussion: “abstracting away” something like usage of multiple paths 
>>>>>> should get some people to disagree?! Regarding the primitives we have so 
>>>>>> far, there doesn’t seem to be a compelling need for a TAPS system to 
>>>>>> expose them to an application I think.  (again, such abstraction always 
>>>>>> comes with loss of some control - at one end of this, you want to be in 
>>>>>> control of which transport protocol is used, which we don’t want here). 
>>>>>> Decisions need to be made...
>>>>>> Multi-streaming seems to me to be an easier case: I can’t see any reason 
>>>>>> why an application would need to be in control of this. Mapping 
>>>>>> communication channels between the same end hosts onto the same 
>>>>>> transport connection (whatever protocol provides it) should always be 
>>>>>> beneficial.
>>>>> I'm not sure I understand how an app can/should know about any of this.
>>>>> It strikes me as involving the app deep in "how" things are done in
>>>>> other layers, rather than indicating a preference on behavior it sees
>>>>> (it really shouldn't "see" any of this directly, IMO).
>>>>> I.e., this would be a good place to take a lesson from QoS - the key is
>>>>> to indicate a preference to the net based on "application visible
>>>>> behavior", not to try to map things so directly based on semantics.
>>>> This sounds like a misunderstanding, maybe I didn’t make myself clear 
>>>> enough - because I think we agree:
>>>> an application can / should not know about any of this, IMO. It should 
>>>> just see a communication channel.
>>>> So mapping these channels onto a transport connection is what I thought a 
>>>> TAPS system underneath the application could do, and the application won’t 
>>>> need to be bothered.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Michael
>>> I can agree that applications should be encouraged to let the system figure 
>>> out how best to do these things.
>>> A few applications will always want finer control (of QoS and flow 
>>> scheduling) - presumably because they believe they understand what they 
>>> actually need. I suggest even these apps can benefit from system-learned 
>>> information about what the network can actually offer.
>> Agree - exposing system-learned knowledge is clearly useful. I’m all for 
>> automating things where possible, but there are applications that can make 
>> use of additional knowledge to tune transport to better suit the 
>> application. Hide by default, sure, but allow tuning.
> So in TAPS it seems to me that we’ll ALWAYS have someone saying “but there 
> can be a benefit if an application can do X, Y, Z”.
> And these always true statements. Everything that’s now there is there for a 
> reason, so whatever you remove will always come with an example of an 
> application that can make good use of it. In the end, we have the same API as 
> today and nothing has been achieved.

Surely you have a better API, with well-thought out hooks for tuning?

> So: sure a good TAPS API should allow applications to tune everything. Let’s 
> make this clear once and for all, for all things that we potentially 
> “automatize”, “hide” or whatever you to call it.
> But: I do think the point here is to identify which things should be “hidden 
> by default” (to stay with your language, it doesn’t really matter what we 
> call it).

Agree. I’m just reacting to “you’re suggesting to *not* expose these transport 
services too? I’d agree” which suggests something a little different.

Colin Perkins

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