
Thanks again !

> On 20 Aug 2018, at 15:52, Spencer Dawkins at IETF 
> <spencerdawkins.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Michael,
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 3:57 AM Michael Welzl <mich...@ifi.uio.no> wrote:
> Hi Spencer!
> Thank you so much for your detailed work and all these comments!
> I'm commenting in line below, and marking my comments with "MW:".
> I'm terminating my responses with a "--".
> I'm attaching an update which incorporates the changes described in this 
> email, but I'm delaying its submission until it's clear that this 
> conversation has converged.
> We're pretty darned converged. I have a couple of follow-ups below, but I 
> deleted everything that we're already good on (and thank you for those, in 
> advance).
> My only significant question is on Section 7. 

Great - it seems this is also the only one that calls for a change of the 
version that I now have. So, I'm removing the rest and just keeping this:

> --
> This text in 7.  Security Considerations
>    Authentication, confidentiality protection, and integrity protection
>    are identified as transport features by [RFC8095].  As currently
>    deployed in the Internet, these features are generally provided by a
>    protocol or layer on top of the transport protocol; no current full-
>    featured standards-track transport protocol provides all of these
>    transport features on its own.  Therefore, these transport features
>    are not considered in this document, with the exception of native
>    authentication capabilities of TCP and SCTP for which the security
>    considerations in [RFC5925] and [RFC4895] apply.  The minimum
>    security requirements for a transport system are discussed in a
>    separate document [I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security].
> confuses me, because I think at least two things are in play. First, I think 
> the point you're probably making is that the underlying transport protocols 
> remain unmodified, so the security considerations for each of those protocols 
> apply unchanged, and this document isn't doing anything to create new 
> security considerations. So, modulo SECDIR and SEC AD comments, I think 
> that's all you need to say. 
> Second, you guys are the experts, but I think a reference to 
> [I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security] isn't actually needed for this document, 
> because that document surveys security protocols, rather than specifying 
> minimum security requirements. That document might someday discuss the 
> minimum security requirements, in the way this document discusses the minimum 
> set of transport services, but at least in  
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-taps-transport-security-02 that 
> document is much more comparable to RFCs 8095 and 8304 than to this document. 
> MW: I would agree about [I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security] if it didn't have 
> section 5.
> I believe section 5 in this document is an effort to do the same as minset 
> does, here;
> are you maybe asking for this section of [I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security] 
> to use a
> more authoritative tone?  Either way, as things stand now, the existence of
> [I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security] is used as a justification to not include 
> the
> security related features of TCP and SCTP in the minimum set, and I think this
> citation is necessary.
> So, for what it's worth, I wouldn't have ever noticed that Section 5 of  
> [I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security] provided the equivalent of this document, 
> based on the Abstract and Introduction, which both talk about surveys a lot 
> more than minimum sets, but that's not your problem to solve (and I'm not 
> providing AD comments on documents that the working group is still working 
> on, because you guys are more likely to get stuff right than I am, so no 
> action required from anyone else). 
> But what is for you ... 
> At a minimum, I'd suggest qualifying the reference to  
> [I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security]  as "Section 5 of  
> [I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security] ", because I don't suppose that any other 
> reviewer is more likely to figure this out than I am, but ... 
> Quoting from the Introduction in -02 of  I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security, 
> what that draft is covering is 
>    This document provides a survey of commonly used or notable network
>    security protocols, with a focus on how they interact and integrate
>    with applications and transport protocols.  Its goal is to supplement
>    efforts to define and catalog transport services [RFC8095] by
>    describing the interfaces required to add security protocols.  It
>    examines Transport Layer Security (TLS), Datagram Transport Layer
>    Security (DTLS), Quick UDP Internet Connections with TLS (QUIC +
>    TLS), MinimalT, CurveCP, tcpcrypt, Internet Key Exchange with
>    Encapsulating Security Protocol (IKEv2 + ESP), SRTP (with DTLS), and
>    WireGuard.  
> I may be confused about this, but I'm not seeing an obvious pattern match 
> between those protocols and "security related features of TCP and SCTP in the 
> minimum set". Is that document talking about what you hope it's talking 
> about? 
> Assuming so ... I'm probably struggling with the idea that there is no 
> minimal set of transport services that doesn't involve one of the protocols 
> listed in I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security or a near equivalent. That may 
> really be the right thing for the working group to say, but I wanted to make 
> sure that's the point that's being made, because that's what I think you're 
> saying, by including the reference to I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security in 
> your security considerations. 
> If the last sentence read 
>   The minimum {delete "security"}
>    requirements for a {insert "secure"} secure transport system are discussed 
> in a
>    separate document [I-D.ietf-taps-transport-security].
> I'd agree with that statement, without anyone having to explain anything to 
> me!

Can I just make this sentence replacement and be done with it?  I mean, it IS a 
very nice and clean solution, IMO...


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