Dear all,

Looking at this:

> On Nov 13, 2023, at 10:24 PM, Michael Welzl <> wrote:
> +1 … thanks a whole lot to everyone, it’s been a fun ride!
> For some nostalgia, more detailed history is here:  
> <>
… reminded me of something, and I think that now is perhaps a good moment to 
share this thought.  This should be more useful than nostalgia - it’s a note 
for the researchers out there: I think that in a post-TAPS world, we still have 
a big hole that needs filling (and it’s probably not in scope of the IETF). In 
my opinion, this hole is a low-hanging-fruit for researchers who are interested 
in this general space.

Here it is:

One of the major arguments against TAPS, back when we started this effort, was: 
“you want to change the socket API, but nobody writes applications against the 
socket API anymore”.
Well, one has to start somewhere, and sockets sit below the middleware or 
library that offers these APIs. I think we had enough reasons to start the 
effort - but the point is still valid: many applications *are* written over 
REST, or pub-sub, or what have you, and today won’t care much about TAPS 

When thinking about how to combine such middleware layers with TAPS, there are 
the following possibilities:
1) the application is unchanged, the middleware or library below it uses TAPS, 
and somehow, some benefits arise (e.g., from dynamically selecting QUIC or 
TCP). Browsers do that today; other middleware layers could do it too. This 
would yield some benefits, but not necessarily everything.
2) the higher-layer API is changed too: many of the services that TAPS 
applications choose are truly related to the *application*, and hard or 
impossible for a middleware layer to “guess” - e.g., we have priorities between 
defined groups of Connections, a need for reliability with time limits, various 
services that translate into a DSCP choice, telling the API about bounds on the 
send and receive rate, control over checksums, ….

What would be needed, to make use of TAPS in such a scenario, is to take a 
decision, per middleware layer:
a) which of the TAPS services are best implemented transparently to the 
application, i.e. in the middleware, without changing the API that is being 
b) which services should be offered in the higher-level API,
c) which services should be ignored.

Let me get back to why the URL above was a reminder: at the BoF at IETF-89 in 
London, Martin Sustrik, who created the well-known ZeroMQ pub-sub middleware, 
gave a presentation on “transport agnostic middleware”. Here are the slides: 
We also have the conversation after this presentation in the minutes of the 
BoF, IMO this is worth reading: 
A part of his point was that pub-sub doesn’t need (or even want) 100% 
reliability - he had this example of distributing data where one subscriber is 
a small trading shop somewhere in Malaysia, and the distributor doesn’t want to 
wait for that small shop to pull the data. I believe that pub-sub middlewares 
today probably implement that sort of unreliability (or, rather: timed 
reliability) on top of the socket API… which is probably just less efficient 
than telling the socket API about it.

I got in touch with Martin back then because his interest in middleware + 
transport was obvious from another library he was working on at the time: 
nanomsg ( <> ), meant to run over SCTP.

Anyway, the pub-sub case he talked about is just one example out of many that 
probably exist within pub-sub, and in other communication patterns.  My hope is 
that someone picks this up and thinks ahead, on: what can we do now, to let 
applications using higher layer APIs benefit from TAPS?


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